About the Goods and Chef Greg

What Are the Goods?

Good” question! The Goods are everything I can humbly bring to the table— my special recipes, cooking tips, travel inspiration, kitchen philosophy, and products— to help you love cooking and eating even more. It’s the Good life!

The Goods was born during an unforgettable trip to the Serengeti. My wife and I were among close friends soaking in the inspiring scenery of endless plains. For a short time we were all truly able to enjoy the simple and most important pleasures that life has to offer: good company, good food, good conversation, love, and Mother Nature, in all her glory. 

It was there, far removed from the hectic pace of modern life, that I decided I wanted to create a place where people could remember to enjoy these most basic of life’s pleasures: Life’s many “Goods.”

Whether it’s tips on where to enjoy a delicious dinner out, the step-by-step on creating your own new recipes, salivating while watching Chef Greg (that’s me!) make a home-cooked meal, getting inspired by exotic travel photos, or shopping for a variety of culinary products; everything you’ll find here has come from a hunger to enjoy life to the fullest. We are in the business of a wholesome appreciation for life’s abundant, simple pleasures.

We feel so blessed to be able to enjoy the Good life every chance we get! And you can, too.